According to Richard Branson, Cryptocurrency will transform the world. Dangote, one of Africa's wealthiest takes risk, and he's never afraid of new investment. Are you still waiting for the naira to rise above the Dollar, well Naira, Dollar, Euro etc. are all fiat currency and are subject to rise and fall.

You have already know what is Bitcoin now am introducing you to another money making cryptocurrency.
Now am introducing you to THE BILLION COIN (TBC), a cryptocurrency that has come to end poverty globally, the Billion coin is a paradigm shift, and it’s a belief and truth of the moment.
Crypto currency a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of currency and verify transfer of fund via the blockchain, operating independently from the central bank. Digital world has made people convenient without realizing, you can talk to people all over.
The Billion Coin (TBC) is a decentralized crypto currency like bitcoin but it operates in its own structure and formula which depends on the total growth of The Billion Coin community.
The Impact of Digital Evolution
“Digital world is moving forward and fast, whether you like it or not, it's a necessity that you must be part of it, you may not like it, because that's the future trend. The BillionCoin is the future.”
Now in making Fortune, if you were told then to invest in a Mobile Apps to make money where people receive alerts on their phones, you wouldn't show interest, but now those who invested in those Apps are made Millionaires, now you have same opportunity in THE BILLION COIN.
“Only those who fail to take risk remain where they are”
Then if you had the opportunity to invest in bitcoin you would frown at it,
As at today Richard Branson has invested over 600 Million dollars in Bitcoin, he knows digital currency is the way forward, Richard Branson is already inviting investors, telling them to exchange bit coins to travel to space instead of paying cash, Bill Gates invested over 400 Million while Facebook has invested over 20 Million dollars, The rich are already investing in the digital currency, are you waiting for Dangote to invest and talk about it publicly before you take advantage of the opportunity today.
“Rich people take risk before making research”
I am an investor in Crypto Currency, THE BILLION COIN. TBC is the first abundance based digital crypto currency that launched on March 21st, 2016
How The Billion Coins Works
TBC already has millionaires in Nigeria, and its still making daily. You too can be part of it today.
Here is how you can become a millionaire; first is by buying as much coin as you can and keeping it. The value of your coin will increase by 1- 5% daily. At 5% daily you have your money doubled every two weeks. so all you need do is buy as much coin as you can and store them in your wallet and hold on to your coin till any time you wish to sell them.
The good news is we are already creating a local exchange site, but only those who invest here gets the privilege to participate from its exchange
TBC is on a mission to end poverty globally and equalize the rich and the poor
What makes TBC Unique among Digital Currency is simple, it has the fastest growth rate among-st others and it is decentralized
Join this revolutionary movement against paper money today.
Get registered today visit check your email for confirmation, you may check spam or inbox, then click on the link.
To know more on TBC and how to get TBC you can contact me on
Whatsapp - 08162660547
Call me - 08161858043
I am interested in this. But pls; is this the same as those Ponzi Thanks. Here is my number; 07032237708
tbc for sale at 500 naira only contact me if u are interested 08100612408
Tbc for sale at 300 naira only contact me if you are interested and you can whatsapp me too @08128057533
TBC for sale. After January 31st 2017 you may not be able to afford TBC as everyone will sell at current price. Before then you can buy TBC at 500 naira per coin. call or send a message on watsapp +2348102865563. Legit buyers wanted. Scammers please stay away.
get ur tbc at the rate of #2000 pertbc. if u re interested contact this number 09033635029
if you are interested in buying me on 08104397017.500 per TBC
Hi, contact me to buy tbc
at affordable price
call or whatsapp stakeholder on
Call 07038507805 for 250 per Tbc for bulk purchases
The billion coin for sale at 200 naira only call me if you are interested 08100612408. Confirmation in less than 3 minutes and you can buy wallet too. Thank you.
The billion coin @200 per coin on bulk purchases.. confirms instantly within 3minutes of sending you are safe with us 100% call us on 07038507805
get ur tbc at the rate of #2000 pertbc. if u re intreseted contact this number 09033635029.
Tbc for sale at 150 naira only for bulk purchase contact me if you are interested via whatsapp at 08128057533 and 08100612408 for calls. wallets containing 100,200,500 and 1000 tbc available too at good rates.
buy tbc wallet with 100tbc 500tbc 1000tbc, if u re interested contact 09033635029.
buy tbc wallet with 100tbc 500tbc 10000tbc and 2000tbc, if u re interested contact this number 09033635029.
The billion coin at 150 naira for wallet with 5000 and 10000 coin