More IP for Airtel Unlimited Browsing on Psiphon

The latest free and unlimited browsing is the Airtel Live Video tweak via psiphon. Many of us are already enjoying this tweak for some times now but I am still receiving cases of fluctuations and sometimes “no connection” at all. To handle these issues, I have tested some alternative working IP and other issues that may prevent you from enjoying this Airtel Unlimited Browsing on Psiphon.


How To Make Airtel Live Unlimited Free Browsing Fast and Stable

Click Here to enjoy new Airtel free browsing via powered by Psiphon

These settings will also ensure your unlimited browsing experience is fast and stable

1. Configure Your Phone APN As Follows;

Port: 8080
Username: internet
Password: internet

2. After that Launch your Sypon Shield or Psiphon Handler (Download Here), which ever you prefer or you are using, and then go to the handler menu:

Proxy type: Real Host
Proxy server:
Real Proxy Type: default
Click the Save button

3. As soon as you click save, a pop up message will appear requesting to use Tunnel whole device, just tap on the option to Tunnel Whole Device and it will take you to the next phase

Select the Option Menu

Under this Option menu, you will see Select Region, tap and select USA

4. Go to your More Option settings and tick “Connect through HTTP Proxy”. Then select use the following settings

Now on host address, input any of the IP and the corresponding port; 3128 80 3128 80 3128 3128 3128 8080 8080

After doing the above steps you then connect your VPN.  If any of these IP refuses to connect, select another one because one thing with IPs is that they can easily be blocked at any time. More IP will be posted here or on related group.

Additional Requirements for Airtel Unlimited Browsing on Psiphon;

However, to be very certain that your psiphon connection is smooth for unlimited browsing on Airtel, confirm the following;

- Psiphon works best on 3G or HSPA+ so confirm that you have a strong Airtel 3G network in your area.

- If Psiphon or any other VPN app you are using is not connecting, go to settings and force-closed the app, then clear the cache and launch it again.

- If it is the network itself that is not stable, just put it into Airplane Mode and for few seconds, then switch back the network and wait for the 3G network to come up before you fire up your VPN app or you can reboot your device.

- Finally, confirm that no app killers or battery savers is configured to terminate your VPN App in the background.

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