How to set up OpenVPN and MTN BIS on Android

MTN BIS on OpenVPN offers unlimited browsing on the Daily, Weekly and Monthly plan. The “unlimited” is however SIM dependent but you are guaranteed at least 5 GB download on the One Day N100 plan. Download and set up the OpenVPN VPN on both Etisalat Social Chat, MTN BIS and MTN musicplus from the config files here for fast and stable browsing and downloads both on Android and iPad or iPhone. The settings are optimized for fast browsing. This app is simply the best, very stable and do not drain battery. 

New Tweakware VPN for MTN BIS and Etisalat Browsing, click here

Step by Step: How to install OpenVPN and use MTN BIS & Etisalat Social Pack on your Android

      Download and install OpenVPN [Click Here] or from Playstore. 

2.      Download the BB10 Server/Config files here (or click here to get 4 US servers to choose from) and extract the folder to the root of your phone (or any known location). You can use X-plore for this. Click here to see how to use X-Plore to extract or unzip compressed files as well as how to edit updated password

(UPDATE 4 February 2016: FOR iPhone/iPad users 
Download and install OpenVPN Connect from itunes - Click Here

To Import the config file into OpenVPN App on iPhone or iPad, use either of these two ways: iTunes app on PC and E-mail box. The easiest way to import the config file is through Mail. If you have downloaded the download the config file here, just send it to your mail or alternatively request for the config file via sending me mail to ityunit at gmail dot com. The config file ASAP.will be forwarded to you.

You can also download this new musicplus server  and BROWSE FOR FREE, Click here for step by step instructions on how to activate MTN music plus and get unlimited mb to browse and download 

Updated n Latest Password for 03 January, 2016 :
3.      Load N100 and subscribe for the daily BIS plan. To subscribe, send “BBLITED” to “21600” or dial the respective codes: New MTN BIS code for daily, weekly and monthly subscription

For daily BB10, dial *216*3*1#, cost N70
For weekly BB10, dial *216*3*2#, cost N350
For monthly BB10, dial *216*3*3#, cost N1000.
4.      Open the OpenVPN app and select the “Option” button, then select “Import”.
5.      On the “Import” option, select “Import profile from SD card” and navigate to where you extracted the Config folder to.
6.      On the Config folder, choose any of the file you wish and import.
7.      Back
on the OpenVPN app, you will see the profile you just selected, click
“Connect” just below it and wait for the button to turn green.
8.      Once the icon turn green and you see the key icon on your notification tab, viola, you are connected.

Click Here to Share or tether your OpenVPN internet connection on Android to PC and other devices

9.      Enjoy your downloads.


Questions, Tips, Appreciation? Please Comment, Thanks

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